Advantages of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Music

Computer-Assisted Instruction in Music has been around since the mainframe days of the 1960s.  While there are some aspects of music that a computer absolutely cannot teach (yet), there are many areas in which computer software can be very effective – especially music theory.

Some of the advantages include:

  1. Reinforcement of the relationship between seeing and hearing music
    (Seeing an interval, melody, rhythm, or chord while simultaneously hearing it)
  2. Individualization of instruction
    Because students are working independently with a computer, they may progress at individual paces. Furthermore, a student who has no problem with one subject area may proceed to a new area without waiting for classmates.
  3. Instant feedback and immediate positive reinforcement
    This helps the student to avoid repetition of mistakes, and encourages learning.
  4. Objectivity
  5. Randomized drill or test questions
  6. Customized levels of difficulty
  7. Record keeping
  8. Student motivation increased
  9. Student anxiety minimized due to less peer-to-peer competition